Thursday, July 22, 2010

Memory Loss

                                                                    1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

My memory is really becoming questionable.  Twice now I have given the wrong street address of my residence to two of my sisters.  I live on Walton Drive and I keep saying Watson Drive.  Another time I became confused and couldn't remember if my street was Walton or Walden.... so I picked up a piece of mail just to check.  I was telling my doctor about my memory problems and she said, "Should we run an "Alzheimer's Test" on you?"  I told her, "No thanks I am having lunch today with my friends Denial and Procrastination.  I will do that another time."  She laughed and agreed.  Thank goodness!

It is frightening at times when we do not remember simple things and we get confused, however there is a time to rejoice in a loss of memory.  My desire is that I am keeping no records of wrongs when I think back on family members, friends, co-workers or brief acquaintances, I would like to not remember how they might have offended me or hurt my feelings.  When I hear a familiar name, I want to only have kind things in my memory bank of them.  Isn't it interesting when people pass away that only good things are spoken of them?  Why don't we follow that practice when they are still alive?  I desire not to have a record of offenses stored up in my memory.   I would like to think that if I took a "Love Test" that I would pass.  I need to encourage my friends Denial and Procrastination into being honest and not put off resiting loving words about people God has put into my life.  

                                                                        Morning Prayer

Dear Lord,
    Your love for me has removed my offenses towards You as far East is from the West.  I desire to follow Your commandment to love others as You have loved me.  I ask You to heal and remove those memories.  May I not carry them in my heart resiting them to myself and to others.  Love keeps no records.  Thank you God.  Amen

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