Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lucas Wesley Tan

Words are what feed my soul . . . however, for the last few days I have been speechless.  My last journal entry was:

                                                             January 9th, 2011

Dear Lord,
    What can I say?  I am at a loss for words.

On January 7th... I was there to witness the most beautiful little boy come into this world.  He was so perfect and instant love filled my heart.  On January 8th... I was there when my loving grandson left this world unexpectedly.  The tears, the grief, the pain, the shock, the unbelief consumed our whole family.  There just are no words.

On Saturday we will be having a memorial service for little Lucas and my daughter has asked me to share a message.  The Lord knows that I need to do this.  It's a part of my healing process.  I am still feeling somewhat speechless, but I know the words will come from my Heavenly Father . . . I do truly ask that you pray for me that His message to Katie & Jeremy will flow into their hurting hearts as well as to many other hurting hearts that day.  Oh that the love of God would come shining through. 

Thank you

  Debbie ~ 


  1. My heart cries for you... and I can't find the words to say how so very sad it makes us feel (and uplifting too) to read the heartfelt posts and comments. Hugs to you and thank you for your beautiful daughter's friendship with mine! C.

  2. As I held my 13-day-old grandson today, I cried for you and felt such grief and sorrow. There are truly some events that defy any sense of understanding yet, in the midst of such hurt, I know Whose arms hold you and I know Who you trust and Who will be your peace. I am so sad. Gary and I sent our love and prayers.

  3. Father, I lift Debbie and her entire family up to You for healing of their broken hearts. Along with knowing that Your plan is the ultimate, we also know that Your ultimate plan always comes with pain. Give this hurting grandma (Your daughter) the words that will be like salve to their open wounds. Thank you Father for this life You created, for the testimony of his little life and for how You are going to make everything beautiful in Your time.
